Progressive First as LGBT-themed celebration held at De La Salle Lipa
The De La Salle Lipa campus was introduced to the
potential of the rainbow last May 14 as it held the first ever
LGBT-themed celebration.
“With Pride Fest, we’re letting the people who can’t
manage to breathe or [those] who suffocate [to] have a
safe space and an avenue for self-expression,”
says Kim Millave, head organizer of the Pride Fest.
Spearheaded by the Association of Communication Students,
the week-long event was both a recognition and celebration
of the queer community and their invaluable contribution to society.
But getting to that point was no easy task.
Millave relates that the Pride Fest was actually an event a year
in the making, having faced constraints and regulation from the administration.
The lineup was reviewed and revised several times that the
final list of events was only submitted last March despite plans to celebrate it on February in time for the National Arts Month.
Despite the wait, Millave and his team carried on, with the belief that their event can serve as a platform for greater visibility in a community that clamors for acceptance and inclusion.
“With visibility comes awareness which leads to
understanding and in high hopes, acceptance.”
The line up consisted of an art and photo exhibit and a seminar with Niroshana Sangasingha of UPLB Babaylan and Paolo Lorenzana of TEAM magazine.
The culminating activity was a concert which celebrated the music of queer pop culture icons and allies.
While the Pride Fest made initial headway for the LGBT community in La Salle, Millave relates that there is much work that needs to be done.
As outgoing president of AcTs, he has vowed to ensure the sustainability of Pride Fest for the years to come.
“Plans for the establishment of the very first LGBT organization in school is already in the works. I’m happy that people are actually pushing harder to continue what we’ve started in spreading the message of love, equality, understanding, acceptance and celebration of who you are.”